Friday 24 August 2012

Structure Design

near to the start of the project I wanted to create an ancient Roman city which stood at the bottom of a mountain. At the top of the mountain was the highest social class. The aim of this idea was for the player/players to make their way to the top in order to win the game. 

As I started to research more I began to stray away from my original idea of having a mountain, and decided to make my environment into a mega structure. In the designs above and below you can see the difference compared to the sketches which are at the top of this post and further back in my blog.

As I kept designing I really thought about how this may work as a game. The first of these new ideas contained an unusual floating steps system which players would move up once they had rolled the dice. However, although this is based loosely on history, I found that floating blocks was going along the fantasy line of things. 

The final design which I have come up with is in the images below. The image below has a top view and a side view of what my environment should look like when I get to the production stage.

A centeral pillar goes through the boards until it reaches the last platform. Each of these platforms represent a social class from the ancient Roman times.
The bottom of the board is the poorest of the classes. This class is known as the plebeian class(pleb).
The second platform will be representing the patrician class of ancient Rome. These are mid to wealthy people.
Finally the third and final platform represents the emperors platform. Once a player has got to the top of the board they become the ruler of Rome.

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