Monday 20 August 2012

Card Aspect for Game Idea

Another thing that I am interested in adding to the video game which may effect the overall design of the game will be a card aspect.

In the post below I have tried to research a little into playing card games and in particular board games which   use cards as a secondary aspect(Monopoly).

How will the cards work?

One of the ideas which will work within the game will be the addition of using cards which will effect players in a good or bad way. For Example; A player may get lucky and pick up a card which allows them to bypass others by moving a certain amount of board tiles. However this can also work in reverse, players can also be unfortunate and pick up cards which may ask them to move back a certain amount of paces.

I am hoping that if I add this feature it will make the game more exciting and also make the game more unpredictable and fun for the players.

At the start of the game each of the players pick two cards from a shuffled deck. At the beginning of each players turn they are allowed to present a card, this card can be used to the players advantage. If a card is played a player must pick up a new card from the card deck. When a Card has been used it must be discarded. Each discarded card will make a new pack which will then be re-shuffled once the starting deck has no cards left.

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